Intel® oneAPI Tools for IoT

The Intel® oneAPI IoT Toolkit is tailored for developers who are bringing the power of big data technology to global IoT edge innovations—healthcare, smart homes, industrial, retail, aerospace, security, and more. Its build and analysis tools and libraries are enhanced to help with system design, development, and deployment across CPU, GPU, FPGA, and other accelerator architectures.

This toolkit is an add-on to the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit (Base Kit). As such, it requires the Base Kit to be previously installed for full functionality, including access to the Intel® Distribution for Python*, the Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler, powerful data-centric libraries, and advanced analysis tools.

Intel® oneAPI Tools for IoT


Implement efficient, elegant code that optimizes system and IoT applications on CPUs and accelerators with Intel’s industry-leading compiler technology and libraries.

Pinpoint code-tuning opportunities; that is, how system resource use impacts your IoT application. With these tools, you can deliver a deep, comprehensive analysis of performance characteristics to ensure faster cross-architecture performance.

Resolve critical memory and threading issues quickly to ensure application stability and optimized performance.

What’s Included

Intel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler

Use this standards-based C++ compiler with support for OpenMP* to create performance-optimized IoT applications that takes advantage of more cores and built-in technologies in platforms based on Intel® Xeon®, Intel® Core™, and Intel Atom® processors with Intel® Processor Graphics.

Intel® C++ Compiler Classic

Create performance-optimized IoT application code that takes advantage of more cores and built-in technologies in platforms based on Intel® processors.

Intel® Inspector

Locate and debug threading, memory, and persistent memory errors early in the design cycle to avoid costly errors later.

Eclipse* IDE Plug-ins

Simplify application development for systems and IoT edge devices by enhancing a standards-based development environment with the provided Eclipse plug-ins. Requires separate download

IoT Connection Tools

Connect sensors to device and device to cloud with this collection of abstraction libraries and tools.

Linux* Kernel Build Tools

Using specialized Eclipse-integrated platform project wizards, quickly create, import, and customize Linux kernels based on the Yocto Project* for edge devices and systems.

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