Crank Software | AMETEK

Crank Software | AMETEK is an innovator in embedded user interface (UI) solutions. Crank Software | AMETEK bridges the gap between UI design and embedded systems to deliver competitive advantage, with higher ROI and lower TCO, while delivering a superior customer experience.

Compared to traditional electronic design automation tools, Crank Software’s products and services enable R&D teams to more quickly develop rich graphical displays—also called UIs or HMIs—for resource-constrained embedded devices. Applications include in-car graphical displays, animated GPS systems, and rich user interfaces on factory floors. 

Crank Software | AMATEK

Crank Software Tools

Crank Storyboard™ Designer enables user interface (UI) designers to easily prototype the look and feel of a product, and then move the UI prototype directly to the embedded target for deployment.

Designers maintain full control over the UI and user experience (UX) without having to perform a hand off to an embedded systems engineer.

Training and resources

Building your next Killer UI Ebook

E-Book “How to Build your next killer embedded UI”

Crank Software presents a free eBook about “How to Build your next killer embedded UI”. The no-nonsense guide to creating high volume, high margin consumer goods with sophisticated interfaces.

The face of consumer goods is quite literally changing. Consumers – now accustomed to graphically rich and intuitive interfaces on their phones –are no longer satisfied with appliances that blink 12:00. Manufacturers are now challenged to meet consumer expectations (with slick-looking GUIs on inexpensive hardware) while maintaining good margins.

This e-book looks at this next wave in the consumer market, the challenges that come from creating products that are at once sexy and cheap, and ways that you can turn your low-end products into ROI superstars.

Download This Ebook And Learn:

  1. the four critical consumer expectations that must be taken into account when designing an embedded UI with touch screen
  2. how to reduce your software development timeline
  3. how to select the silicon and software to differentiate your product
  4. the two sure-fire ways to break into the mass-market success sweet spot
  5. how to determine if your product is a good candidate for adding a touch screen
  6. the checklist for embedded GUI design success