UI Builder

The User Interface (UI), or more commonly known as Graphical User Interface (GUI), are a very important aspect of modern products that need visual interaction with Humans. Designing the visual composition and temporal behavior of a GUI is therefore an important part of software application programming. Its goal is to enhance the efficiency and ease of use for the underlying logical design of a program. Today’s product’s success in the market depends greatly on your GUI. And the time spent on designing a GUI to enhance the user’s experience is increasing. Our tools make it easier for designers and developers to rapidly create optimized embedded GUIs that focus on delivering a brilliant UX.

UI Builder

Storyboard™ Designer enables user interface (UI) designers to easily prototype the look and feel of a product, and then move the UI prototype directly to the embedded target for deployment. Designers maintain full control over the UI and user experience (UX) without having to perform a hand off to an embedded systems engineer.

At Logic Technology, we know what’s important when it comes to User Interface creation

Designing and then validating an embedded UI project, then going back to the drawing board means wasting a lot of time, people power, and money. Innovation is critical and going to market with a mediocre, embedded touchscreen product is no longer acceptable. Logic Technology’s solution helps product teams accelerate their development, embrace design change, and maximize UI flexibility.

Create an embedded UI application from start to finish in minutes. Start in your UI design tools like Photoshop, Sketch or Illustrator and end on your target hardware device.

A smartphone experience has become the standard for touchscreen UI products. As a designer, you care about the details many don’t appreciate until they become obvious in the final product. Color, animations, and other touchscreen UI design elements are critical components of a high-res design.

When developing an embedded system, the firmware developer will need features like optimizing acceleration and managing resources. Out of the box support for different real time operating systems is a must have.

The hardware developer also has a voice when it comes to selecting the appropriate microcontroller or microprocessor. A UI engine should be able to scale with your requirements, giving you the freedom to create applications that match markets and embedded devices.

You also want the freedom to incorporate modern visual or 3D elements into your project. VG Lite, OpenGL and a host of other rendering technologies help you ensure your project is able to take advantage of ecosystem updates as they happen. 

In short, a good UI development environment, like the one Logic Technology recommends, should:

  • Import Content from design tools like Photoshop, Sketch and Illustrator
  • Add Animations, Capture movement and motions and incorporate timeline features
  • Manages iterations, collaborate in a parallel workflow without code disruption
  • Test and validate your prototype with a simulator or directly on your target hardware
  • Debug and optimize your application with data from your UI engine
  • The freedom to create UIs that scale across markets and embedded targets
  • Reduce your overall cost with a smaller footprint and reusable GUI components
  • Boost innovation by validating design earlier and get to market faster

Professional UI solutions for embedded developers.

Contact our experts and tell us your story.