
Monitor Code Changes

The TBvision plug-in, TBevolve, enables project teams to monitor the impact of code changes on their testing process. As the source code changes TBevolve will compare a baseline copy of a system with new versions and will highlight changed source code lines and report on untested source code which affects the overall code coverage analysis.

TBevolve software composition analysis
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Benefits Of TBevolve

  • Facility for identifying and monitoring code changes
  • Ability to measure and document impact of changes
  • Strengthens Risk Analysis, Risk Management and Impact Analysis
  • Time and effort used for change tracking is reduced

Ultra developed a midlife upgrade of a pre-existing, uncertified, avionics system and faced significant challenges due to the introduction of requirements for DO-178B Level B safety certification coupled with a migration to a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware platform.  The LDRA tool suite was utilised to overcome the identified challenges to develop a safety-certifiable platform running on VxWorks.

-Ultra Datel-

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